Academic Integrity

A Principian is expected to pursue a life of integrity. See thePrincipia Community Commitment. Therefore academic integrity is essential to a character-based Principia College education. Principia defines academic integrity as the practice of honesty, transparency, accountability, and responsibility in the carrying out of all academic and academic-related activities.

Academic Misconduct Policy

Principia defines academic misconduct as a violation of the principles of academic integrity, as defined above. Students are expected to refrain from all forms of academic misconduct. Specifically this includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, and cheating. Academic misconduct also includes assisting another in the violation of the principles of academic integrity.
Minor cases of poor scholarship are resolved between the instructor and student. Moderate and egregious cases of academic misconduct are reported to the registrar and involve the Scholastic Committee, as outlined in the academic integrity policy and procedures. Contact the registrar for additional information.